Long time no see. We had a tumultuous venture back home that I have put off writing about for no apparent reason!
To begin, we flew from Montevideo, Uruguay to Cartagena, Colombia as a pit stop on our way home.
Cartagena was gorgeous, so fun, and the best overall food on our entire trip. Fresh caught seafood makes its way into ceviche, seafood mac n cheese, constituting at least one meal a day on the Caribbean coast.
We walked through the old walled city, the oldest in Colombia. We went to an Anthony Bourdain “No Reservations” restaurant called La Cevicheria which was delicious.
After two days in the busy city, we had planned on a week-long beach vacation to rest up (and cheaply) before the job hunt started for Isabel and I started working as a substitute teacher upon our return. Nicole, the tropical storm turned small hurricane that was heading toward Florida, just happened to spoil our beach days with unending rain for 4 days.
We were still able to relax and read a bunch, though. It was all fine until the projections showed Nicole following the same path we were taking, on the same day.
We tried to catch an earlier flight and were denied (boo Spirit). Since it was a low-level storm and no airlines were cancelling flights, we figured we’d trust the experts and buckle in. Bad decision. Horrible decision.
Flying into a hurricane is indeed terrifying. By far the worst turbulence of my life, I was praying to all things holy to bring us back down to the ground. To the chorus of 8 children throwing up behind us, we ended up touching down just a tad late in Fort Lauderdale.
I was convinced that our connection would be cancelled and we should just hunker down in a hotel for a couple days. Isabel had another plan, fueled mostly by her desire to snuggle with her cat at home.
Our connection to Tampa was a 45 minute flight as smooth as butter, despite my personal rattling from fear and anxiety.
Moral of the story: don’t fly into a hurricane.
We are now home and getting back into the swing of things. I’m waiting on my background check to come back so I can start substitute teaching, and Izzy is sending in applications to find a remote job for our next Brazilian adventure in March.
A trip full of adventure, laughs, a bit of turbulence, and finding new things to love. Who could ask for more?